The 3 Keys to Creating the Life of Your Dreams
March 5, 2025

First and Foremost
I want to thank you for giving me and Limitless by Design the opportunity to help you transform your life. If you have already read my Welcome and About Me pages, and you have decided to dive in a little deeper, I can assure you of something. As this blog grows, you will gain valuable information and resources. It will challenge the way you think and give you clarity in your goals and desires. It will also teach you how to implement different tools and techniques to make your dreams a reality.

The only thing you will need to do is keep an open mind, believe that you deserve all that life has to offer, and make the conscious decision to do what it takes to get everything that you want.
The Components
There are 3 main components to creating the life of your dreams.
The Why

This is the single most important component. Why? Because if you do not know exactly what it is that you want (and “why” you want it), how in the world are you going to create it? Wanting things is not enough. It is imperative to dig deeper into the reasons why you want these things. Often, we think we want something, but in reality, it is only to receive validation from external sources. Your “why” must come from within. What you want can have nothing to do with pleasing or competing with others, but instead, must light you up and give you a sense of purpose that waiting for approval from others will never give you.

Mindset is everything! Even if you are totally clear on what it is that you want, if you don’t believe it is possible you will never receive it. The good thing is anyone can retrain and shift their mindset if they are willing to put in the work. You may be reading this thinking “oh yeah, how am I supposed to be a millionaire making $12/ hour”? My question to your statement is this: “why can’t you be a millionaire”? Each and every one of us has overcome something at some point in our lives. If you were able to do it once, you can certainly do it again. You just have to believe.

Manifestation is the last piece of the puzzle. In order to manifest you must consistently reflect on your “why” and your mindset. Manifestation is not magic. It is a way of thinking and seeing the world around you through a different lens. Your dreams will change over time. What you want today, may not be what you want tomorrow, so you must be diligent and dedicated to adapting your mindset as circumstances change. The wonderful thing is that once you gain control of your thoughts and emotions, manifesting becomes a whole lot easier. Obstacles become opportunities and the silver linings become much more visible to you.
These 3 components are the pillars of Limitless by Design. As this blog continues to grow, I will expand on each of them providing further insight and resources to help you understand just how to create the life of your dreams. What you want is not a pipe dream. You can have anything and everything you want if you are willing to do the internal work necessary to get it.
For more information on discovering your “why” and a free downloadable workbook you can follow the link: What Do You Want? – More Importantly, Why Do You Want It?