The Backstory

So, let’s take a minute to turn back the clock. I had just turned 42 years old. Two months later my oldest child turns 18. Until that point, I was functioning on autopilot. My entire existence on the planet was to care and provide for my children. As a single mom of two, I spent the past 18 years wearing many hats like mom (and dad), sole provider, housekeeper, cook, driver, and the list goes on. I was quite content with what I had accomplished and had developed an amazing flow for getting all I needed to do done!
Now my son was 18! All of the things I did for him are no longer necessary. I had raised a very responsible young adult who was more than capable of taking care of himself. – This is when the hyperventilating and completely irrational conversations with myself started!
To say I was beginning to spiral would be an understatement!
My routine, my flow, was evaporating before my eyes!
I was in no way prepared to deal with the fact that successfully raising children inevitably leads to them taking care of themselves.
This is when the hyperventilating and completely irrational conversations with myself started!

The Turning Point
At this point, I was very much aware of my mini meltdown, and made the conscious decision that I would do whatever it took to find my “new” place in the world.
Over the next 2 years I immersed myself in self-help books and courses, I experimented with manifestation techniques and meditation, I journaled, I affirmed, I scripted – I did it ALL!
I must admit, when I started this journey, I was a little manic, but then something absolutely amazing happened. Suddenly, everything I had read, all the time I spent reflecting and meditating, the saging, the crystals, the self-affirming, and the hundreds of journal entries seemed to all converge into the answer that I was looking for.
I have the power to do, have, be, or achieve ANYTHING I set my mind to.
The idea that my children growing up was the end of me was a lie. It was an irrational fear that I had told myself. In all actuality, this was an amazing opportunity for me to do me. I now had the freedom to make choices about what I wanted rather than what I had to do. The doors of opportunity had opened for me, and I suddenly realized that the possibilities for me were limitless.
The Why

If my words resonate with you and you want to get out of your funk, I have a lot more to offer. I would love to share it with you to help design and build the life of your dreams.

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